Photopolooza in New York
I hope we all survive in good humor.
The Art Show
Park Avenue Armory
Park Avenue at 67th Street
$20 admission
noon - 8pm
Scope New York
320 West St (West Side Hwy) Across from Pier 40 on the Hudson River
noon - 8pm
The Photographic Universe
A 2-day, free conference to discuss the state of photography, featuring panels with important figures in the business
Theresa Lang Center
The New School
55 W 13th Street
9am - 5pm

Terri Gold--"Still Points in a Turning World"
Keyes Art
551 W. 21st 4th fl
6pm - 8pm
The Armory Show
Piers 92 & 94
Twelfth Avenue at 55th Street
$30 admission
Noon - 8pm

Nutropolitan Museum of Art
PB&J art exhibit celebrating National Peanut Month
Openhouse Gallery
201 Mulberry (Bet. Spring & Kenmare)
6:30pm - 9:30pm
Come get a free jar of peanut butter, and donate one to those in need.
Pulse Contemporary Art Fair
The Metroploitan Pavilion
125 W. 18th St.
noon - 5pm

Sandi Haber Fifield "Between Planting & Picking"
Rick Wester Fine Art
511 W. 25th Suite 205
6pm - 8pm
Verge Art Fair
in Brooklyn
all events are free
Suzanne Opton--"Vermont" and Geoff Winningham--"Texas, 1970"
Robert Anderson Gallery
24 West 57th Street, Suite 503
6pm - 8pm
Red Dot Art Fair
82 Mercer (bet. Spring & Broome)
11am - 6pm
The Volta Show
7 West 34th Street (bet 5th & 6th Ave.) 11th floor
2pm - 7pm
548 W. 22nd
4pm - 9pm
FPS Fest
This 2-day showing of photographer films has expanded this year and will include panels as well.
Root Brooklyn
131 No. 14th
Williamsburg, Brooklyn
$7 Friday
$10 Saturday
Fountain Art Fair
Pier 66
26th Street & 12th Avenue in Hudson River Park
noon - 7pm

Daylight Books Launch
25 Central Park West @ 62nd St.
9pm - 11pm

F.L.O.A.T Gallery--"Art of Attraction" group show
300 W 22nd St (@ 8th Ave)
6pm - 8pm
POOL Art Fair
Gershwin Hotel
7 E 27th Street
3pm - 10pm
$10 suggested donation
The Collector’s Guide to New Art Photography Vol. 2
100 images by all 100 artists included in the book
Chelsea Art Museum
556 West 22nd St.
Armory Lunch
Aperture Foundation
547 W. 27th
10am - 1pm
Dual—party for the artists @Pool Art Fair
The Gershwin Hotel
7 E 27th St
Rooms 639 and 640- take the elevator up to the sweet sounds of people enjoying themselves....
8pm - 11pm
Labels: 25cpw, daylight books, f.l.o.a.t. gallery, fps fest, geoff willingham, openhouse gallery, sandi haber fifield, stella kramer, stellazine, suzanne opton, terri gold